Objective Reviewer for Student Projects

Authors: Jesús Miguel García Gorrostieta, Jesús Pablo Lauterio Cruz, Indelfonso Rodríguez Espinoza, José David Madrid Monteverde

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 47, pp. 17-23, 2012.

Abstract: In this paper, we present a web-based system to provide student aid in structuring research projects, specifically in the drafting of the objective. We use MOODLE as platform to present course material and to evaluate the student objective, we establish a dictionary of verbs, articles and tools for structural analysis of the objective with the implementation of a finite-state machine. This information is presented to students to receive acustomized feedback of their objective with an example of a well structured objective from the objectives repository. Finally we carried out an experiment with students' final projects and applied a satisfaction survey of the objective reviewer system.

Keywords: Web-based learning systems, natural language processing, course management systems, Moodle

PDF: Objective Reviewer for Student Projects
PDF: Objective Reviewer for Student Projects